Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Four Bodies Hung From Same Tree Two Other Men Also Lynched

Jan. 31, 1893, Economic changes and industrialization often brought people into conflict, in the Jim Crow south the conflict was usually blamed on Blacks even when there was no evidence but a confession drawn out by torture.

This seems to be the case of a late-night lynch party in Tazewell County where four men were lynched in one location and a fifth hung for the same crime in a different part of the county. The men Jerry Brown, Sam McDonald, Spencer Branch, and John Johnson were lynched in Richfields Virginia where the crime they were said to have committed occurred. The fifth man named Sam Blow was lynched in Cedar Bluff.

The men allegedly murdered two prominent Buchanan County merchants Alex Ratcliffe and Bob Shortridge and robbed them. As the Black men were all railroad workers and the assault happened at the tracks the Tazewell County sheriff made an instant connection. Apparently, Jerry Brown did have a reputation as a “rough man,” and this was an additional reason to arrest him.

After several hours in custody, Brown was reported to have confessed. He said he and his friends saw the two men flashing money so they attacked them with a hatchet and club. Shortly after this, a mob of about 500 broke into the jail led by local magistrate James Hurt, and businessman   James Crabtree. The mob marched Brown to an oak tree across the train yard from where the two white men were killed and hung him.

By this time Sheriff's deputies had found Branch and Johnson and arrested them but knowing that a mob had taken Brown took them through the woods to Cedar Bluff to meet the train. When the deputies boarded the train they found it was under the control of the mob and it was being taken back to Richfields. Also on board was the fourth suspect Sam McDonald and who had confessed to being involved with the robbery and he had also confessed to the murder of Jo Hunt the year before. The three men were then hung from the same tree as Brown.

Another mob had found Sam Blow in Cedar Bluffs and had lynched him for his part in the murders, he was implicated in Johnson’s final statement as were two White men known only by the names Lambert and Harman. Although a posse was formed to find Lambert in West Virginia there was no mention of him being found. Deputy Tazewell County Sheriff Joe Peery also stated that a sixth Black man, Sam Barns, had been hung for his participation in the robbery/murder.









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